Please join us for the first meeting of the year. We'll be discussing the past election and what went well and what didn't.
1150 S. Canton Center Rd.
Join us on Wed, Feb 15 at 7pm in the Canton Admin Bldg for our membership meeting and board elections. Our guest speaker will be Attorney Mark Brewer, who will be covering recent campaign finance and lobbying scandals - and the need for reform.
More information about Mark Brewer can be found here.
Please join us -- we will be having guest speakers, Sarah Reardon and Denise Smith, from Moms Demand Action present about gun violence and what we can do to address it. This will be especially relevant at this time.
Julie Rowe will be our April speaker talking about the importance of the repeal of Right to Work and restoration of Prevailing Wage! Julie worked for AFT Michigan as their Legislative Mobilization Director for years, was Organizing Director for the Yes on 3 campaign in 2022, Field Director for the One Campaign in 2018, and currently has been doing consulting.
Please join us for our May 17 meeting!
Road Construction Alert: Lotz Rd. is only open southbound from Palmer Rd. to Michigan Ave. at this time. There are detours posted if coming from the south.
For tickets, please click the button below:
We are looking forward to seeing everyone! We have invited US Senate candidates to speak, so far Hill Harper and Nasser Beydoun have confirmed.
We have a change from our usual location this year. We will be at South Pavilion #3. This is near the wooden playscape and the splash park. For directions, use this link: or search for "Canton Heritage Hideout."
Please sign up to bring a dish & volunteer here:
**Please note due to the brunch (June) and our July picnic, we will not be having our regular meetings those months at the Township Administration Building. Our picnic will take place on our regular meeting night.
US Senate Candidates
We have invited the US Senate Candidates to speak. So far, Dr. Pamela Pugh (President of the State of Board of Education) and Leslie Love (Former State Representative) have confirmed. Please come and learn more about these candidates and ask questions!
Milan Peele is confirmed as our speaker to discuss the UAW Stand Up Strike, what the membership is fighting for, why those demands are so important, and how the community can support striking auto workers.
Please join us for our major fundraiser of the year! It's sure to be a fun evening with like-minded people! We are excited to announce our keynote speaker, Senator Jeremy Moss and our Emcee, Lori Goldman. We will also hear from candidates as the 2024 elections will be only a year away!
State Senator Jeremy Moss is the President Pro Tempore of the Michigan Senate, where he is also serving his second term. Always looking to build relationships across the aisle, Moss has successfully had legislation signed into law to reduce unfair employment barriers for people with past criminal records, help homeowners make home improvements by lowering property taxes, allow public-private partnerships to rebuild crumbling bridges, and to create more pathways for students who dropped out of high school so they can complete their degree. He also was instrumental in amending the Elliot Larsen Civil Rights Act. Moss holds the distinction of having been the youngest-ever elected official on the Southfield City Council (2011) and has not let up on public service since. After City Council, he was elected to the Michigan House of Representatives, serving as the Democratic Caucus Whip, and then became the Assistant Democratic Leader in his first term in the Michigan Senate.
Moss earned his bachelor’s degree in journalism from Michigan State University, where he participated in multiple student-led humanitarian aid missions nationally and across the globe. He lives in Southfield.
We had our Annual Pasta Dinner on Nov. 3 so our next meet up will be the Holiday Party!
The Holiday Party will take place on December 13, 2023 at the home of Lori Jouppi. This will replace the December meeting. More information will be available closer to the date and all are welcome!
Canton Democratic Club
8250 Elmhurst, Canton, Michigan 48187
Paid for with regulated funds by the Canton Democratic Club
8250 Elmhurst, Canton, Michigan 48187
Copyright © 2013-2023 Canton Democratic Club
All Rights Reserved.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Donations are not deductible for federal income tax purposes, may be used in connection
with federal elections, and are subject to the limits and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act.